the length of one board is 2feet10inches,and the length of another board is1yard1foot9inches.what is the total length of the 2boards put together?a.1yard4feet6inchesb.2yard1foot7inchesc.1yard3feet20inchesd.3yard5inches

1 yard, 3 feet, 19 inches

simply the answer

I gave you the answer. Surely you can see which of your answer choices match the answer I gave you.

thanks but teach said it was wrong

Which answer did you choose?

I choose c.


That does look close.

My answer was 1 yard, 3 feet, 19 inches

3 feet = 1 yard, so you must have 2 yards.

12 inches = 1 foot, so you must have 1 foot. How many inches are left over?

ok thanks

You're welcome.

To find the total length of the two boards, we need to add the lengths of the boards together.

First, let's convert the measurements to a common unit. We can convert inches to feet and yards to feet to make the addition easier.

The given length of the first board is 2 feet 10 inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we can convert it to 2 feet + (10 inches / 12) feet = 2.833 feet.

The given length of the second board is 1 yard 1 foot 9 inches. Since there are 3 feet in a yard, we can convert it to (1 yard * 3 feet/yard) + 1 foot + (9 inches / 12) feet = 3 feet + 1 foot + 0.75 feet = 4.75 feet.

Now, we can add the lengths of the two boards together: 2.833 feet + 4.75 feet = 7.583 feet.

To convert the total length back to the desired format, we need to convert it to yards, feet, and inches.

Since there are 3 feet in a yard, we can convert 7.583 feet to (7.583 feet / 3 feet/yard) = 2.528 yards.

To convert the leftover feet to inches, we multiply it by 12: 0.528 yards * 12 inches/foot = 6.336 inches.

The final answer is therefore approximately 2 yards 1 foot 6 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
a. 1 yard 4 feet 6 inches