The angle of elevation of the top of a towerfrom a point 42meters away frm its base on level ground is 36degrees.find the height of the tower?

Pls help me

Height=Horiz. distance * tan(∠elev)


To find the height of the tower, we can use trigonometry. We'll use the tangent function in this case.

Let's label the height of the tower as 'h' (which is what we want to find) and the distance from the base of the tower to the point on the ground as 'd' (which is given as 42 meters). The angle of elevation is given as 36 degrees.

The tangent function relates the angle of elevation to the ratio of the opposite side (height of the tower) to the adjacent side (distance from the base of the tower):

tan(angle) = height / distance

Substituting the given values:

tan(36) = h / 42

To find the height 'h', we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We'll do this by multiplying both sides by 42:

42 * tan(36) = h

Calculating the right side, we get:

h ≈ 30.44 meters

Therefore, the height of the tower is approximately 30.44 meters.