how much has ralph changed since he's had his first assembly?

You will need to brainstorm this in two columns:

~one column in which to list characteristics of what Ralph was like at first
~second column in which to list his characteristics as of the end of the book (or whatever other time in the book you are thinking of).

Once you have his character traits listed in these two columns, you should be able to see the differences. These differences will indicate how much he's changed; and if there are few or no differences, then you can conclude that he hasn't changed much -- or at all!

Be sure to check out and read the character analysis if you need extra help.


To determine how much Ralph has changed since his first assembly, you'll need to compare his characteristics from the beginning of the book to the end. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Start by listing characteristics of Ralph at the beginning of the book:
- Natural leader: Ralph is elected as the leader of the group and takes charge during the assembly.
- Optimistic: He believes that they will be rescued and focuses on creating a signal fire.
- Respectful: He respects the conch and enforces the rule of only speaking when holding it.
- Rational: He prioritizes the needs of the group and thinks logically.
- Caring: He shows concern for the welfare of others, especially the younger boys.

2. Now, list characteristics of Ralph towards the end of the book:
- Struggling leader: Ralph faces challenges in maintaining control and keeping the group together.
- Desperate: As the situation worsens on the island, Ralph becomes more desperate to be rescued.
- Fearful: He becomes increasingly fearful of the beast and the savage nature of the other boys.
- Powerless: Ralph loses power and influence as Jack gains control over the boys.
- Moral: Despite the chaos, Ralph remains committed to maintaining order and civilization.

By comparing these two columns, you can clearly see that Ralph has undergone significant changes throughout the book. Initially, he was confident, optimistic, and focused on the well-being of the group. However, towards the end, he becomes more desperate, fearful, and struggles to maintain his leadership position. While his core values of order and civilization remain intact, his experiences on the island have shaped his character in profound ways.