Read the following selection from “Winter Mist” by Robert Palfrey Utter. Then, answer the questions that follow.

I like pond skating best by moonlight. The hollow among the hills will always have a bit of mist about it, let the sky be clear as it may. The moonlight, which seems so lucid and brilliant when you look up, is all pearl and smoke round the pond and the hills. The shore that was like iron under your heel as you came down to the ice is vague, when you look back at it from the center of the pond, as the memory of a dream. The motion is like flying in a dream; you float free and the world floats under you; your velocity is without effort and without accomplishment, for, speed as you may, you leave nothing behind and approach nothing.

From what type of essay was this selection taken?
A. expository
B. narrative
C. reflective
D. persuasive

what if c was not a choice and it was just a b and d what would the answer


C. reflective

To determine the type of essay from which this selection was taken, we need to analyze the content and style of the passage. The passage describes the author's personal experience and reflections on pond skating by moonlight. The author shares their thoughts and feelings about the experience, rather than providing factual information or persuading the reader to take a particular stance.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is C. reflective.