Calculate the moles of {\rm Cu} in 2.5×1021 atoms of {\rm Cu}.

use avogadros number

1mole = 6.02e23 atoms

how many moles are there in 2.5x10e21 atoms???

To calculate the number of moles, we need to use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23.

First, determine the number of moles in 1 atom of Cu. Divide the number of atoms by Avogadro's number:
Number of moles in 1 atom of Cu = (2.5 × 10^21 atoms) / (6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol)

Next, use the principle of proportionality to find the number of moles in 2.5 × 10^21 atoms of Cu.
Number of moles in 2.5 × 10^21 atoms of Cu = (Number of moles in 1 atom of Cu) × (2.5 × 10^21 atoms)

By substituting the values:
Number of moles in 2.5 × 10^21 atoms of Cu = [(2.5 × 10^21 atoms) / (6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol)] × (2.5 × 10^21 atoms)

By solving this equation, you will find the number of moles of Cu in 2.5 × 10^21 atoms of Cu.