Using the cost formula you derived above, what X-ray costs would you expect to be incurred during a month in which 4,950 X-rays are taken?

To determine the X-ray costs to be incurred when 4,950 X-rays are taken, we need to use the cost formula we derived earlier.

Let's assume the cost formula is given by:

Cost = Fixed Cost + (Variable Cost per Unit * Number of Units)

To find the expected X-ray costs, we need to substitute the given values into the formula:

Fixed Cost: This is the cost that remains constant regardless of the number of X-rays taken.

Variable Cost per Unit: This is the cost associated with each X-ray taken.

Number of Units: This refers to the total number of X-rays taken, which in this case is 4,950.

By plugging in the relevant values, we can calculate the expected X-ray costs:

Cost = Fixed Cost + (Variable Cost per Unit * Number of Units)

Remember, we need to know the values for Fixed Cost and Variable Cost per Unit to obtain an accurate calculation. Please provide these values, and I'll be able to help you further.