What are six ways to name or describe the number 81?


19 less than 100
square of 9
8 tens and 1 one
1 more than 10 * 8
half of 162

thank you Mrs.sue

To find six ways to name or describe the number 81, we need to explore different mathematical concepts and operations that can be applied to the number. Here are six possible ways:

1. As an Integer: 81 is an integer that represents a whole number without any decimal or fractional parts.
2. As a Square: 81 is a perfect square because it is the result of multiplying 9 by itself (9 x 9 = 81).
3. As a Cube: 81 is not a perfect cube since it cannot be expressed as the result of multiplying an integer by itself twice.
4. As a Power of 3: 81 can also be expressed as 3 raised to the power of 4 (3^4 = 81).
5. As a Multiple of 9: 81 is a multiple of 9 because it can be divided evenly by 9 (81 ÷ 9 = 9).
6. As a Factor of 162: Lastly, 81 is a factor of 162 because when you divide 162 by 81, the result is 2 (162 ÷ 81 = 2).

These are just a few ways to name or describe the number 81, but there are many more mathematical relationships and properties that can be explored.

Thank you

You're welcome.