Biking is a cheap form of transportation, but walking might be safer. Driving is usually the fastest method of getting around. However, careless drivers with their distracting cell phones make the roads dangerous for everyone

1. In the above passage An example of an adjective in it's superlative form is
2. An example of a participal adjective is
3 an example of an adjective with a derivational suffix is

all correct

To find the answers to the questions, let's break down the passage and analyze each statement individually:

1. An example of an adjective in its superlative form is "fastest."
Explanation: The superlative form of an adjective is used to indicate the highest or most extreme degree of a quality. In this case, "fastest" is the superlative form of the adjective "fast," indicating that driving is the method of transportation that allows you to move the quickest.

2. An example of a participial adjective is "distracting."
Explanation: A participial adjective is formed from a verb, typically by adding -ing or -ed at the end. In this case, "distracting" is a participial adjective derived from the verb "distract." It describes drivers who are engaging in cell phone use while driving, indicating that they are causing distractions.

3. An example of an adjective with a derivational suffix is "careless."
Explanation: A derivational suffix is a morpheme that is added to the base form of a word to create a new word with a different meaning. In this case, the suffix -less is added to the base form "care" to create the adjective "careless." It describes drivers who don't exercise caution or care while driving, indicating their disregard for safety.

In summary, the answers to your questions are as follows:
1. "Fastest" is an example of an adjective in its superlative form.
2. "Distracting" is an example of a participial adjective.
3. "Careless" is an example of an adjective with a derivational suffix.