3. In the South American Andes, the altiplano between the Cordillera Oriental and the western Cordillera Occidental is widest in

A. Peru.
B. Ecuador.
C. Bolivia.
D. Chile.


Let us know what you decide.

To find the answer to this question, we need to look at the geography of the South American Andes. The altiplano refers to a high plateau that is situated between two mountain ranges, the Cordillera Oriental and the Cordillera Occidental.

To determine which country in the South American Andes has the widest altiplano, we need to examine the geography of each option: Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile.

First, let's look at Peru. Peru is known for having a significant portion of the Andes, but the altiplano does not extend as widely in Peru as in some other countries.

Next, let's consider Ecuador. Ecuador is also part of the Andes, but the altiplano in Ecuador is narrower compared to other countries.

Now, let's examine Bolivia. Bolivia is known for having a large portion of the Andes, and the altiplano in Bolivia is indeed vast. It stretches across much of the country, making it a strong contender for the answer.

Lastly, let's consider Chile. Chile also has a significant section of the Andes, but the altiplano in Chile is narrower compared to Bolivia.

Based on this analysis, we can determine that the widest altiplano between the Cordillera Oriental and the Cordillera Occidental is in Bolivia. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Bolivia.