What value of voltage will be reached across the plates of a capacitor, after two time constants, if the maximum value of voltage when fully charged, reaches 200 volts?

I will be happy to check your thinking.

I have no clue to this question which is why i needed the help :(

To determine the voltage across the plates of a capacitor after two time constants, you need to know the maximum voltage when fully charged and the time constant of the circuit.

The time constant (T) of a circuit involving a resistor and a capacitor is typically calculated using the formula T = R * C, where R is the resistance in ohms and C is the capacitance in farads. Once you have the time constant, you can find the voltage across the capacitor at any given time using the formula V(t) = Vmax * (1 - e^(-t/T)), where V(t) is the voltage across the capacitor at time t, Vmax is the maximum voltage when fully charged, and e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828.

Since you provided the maximum voltage when fully charged (Vmax = 200 volts), but did not provide the values of resistance (R) or capacitance (C), it is not possible to calculate the exact voltage across the plates after two time constants. To find the specific voltage at two time constants, we would need more information.

However, I can provide you with a general understanding of how the voltage across the capacitor decays over time. In an RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor will exponentially approach zero as time progresses. After one time constant, the voltage across the capacitor will be approximately 36.8% of the maximum voltage. Similarly, after two time constants, the voltage across the capacitor will be approximately 13.5% of the maximum voltage.