Circle the nouns that can be used with the verbs on the right .

Engine-consumption-dependence (reduce)
Answer : consumption and dependence
Solution-dependence-alternative (find)
Answer:solution and dependence
Answer:Resources and technology
Answer:Problem and question
Energy-crisis-shortage (face)
Answer:Crisis and shortage
Answer:Possibility and problems
Rise-advantages -solution (offer )
Answer :Advantages and solution

Is this correct or not ?

I agree with your answers except for these two.

Solution-dependence-alternative (find)
Answer:solution and dependence

Answer:Resources and technology

Thank you

You're welcome.

Solution-dependence-alternative (find)

Answer:alternative and dependence

Answer:Resources and stocks

Now is it correct ??

Yes, your answers are correct. You correctly circled the nouns that can be used with the given verbs. Well done!