Mitch Anderson is a security guard. He earns $7.45 per hour for regular time up to 40 hours, time-and-a-half for overtime, and double time for the midnight shift. If Mitch worked 56 hours last week, including 4 hours on the midnight shift, how much were his gross earnings?

To calculate Mitch's gross earnings, we need to consider the different rates for regular time, overtime, and the midnight shift.

Let's break down his working hours:

Regular hours (up to 40 hours): 40 hours
Overtime hours: 56 hours - 40 hours = 16 hours
Midnight shift hours: 4 hours

First, let's calculate Mitch's earnings for regular time:

Regular time pay rate: $7.45 per hour
Regular time hours: 40 hours
Regular time earnings: 40 hours * $7.45 per hour = $298

Next, let's calculate Mitch's earnings for overtime:

Overtime pay rate: 1.5 times the regular time pay rate
Overtime hours: 16 hours
Overtime earnings: 16 hours * ($7.45 per hour * 1.5) = $177.60

Lastly, let's calculate Mitch's earnings for the midnight shift:

Midnight shift pay rate: 2 times the regular time pay rate
Midnight shift hours: 4 hours
Midnight shift earnings: 4 hours * ($7.45 per hour * 2) = $59.60

Now, let's sum up Mitch's gross earnings:

Gross earnings = Regular time earnings + Overtime earnings + Midnight shift earnings
Gross earnings = $298 + $177.60 + $59.60 = $535.20

Therefore, Mitch's gross earnings for the week were $535.20.