All the following contributed to American imperialism after 1890 EXCEPT___________.

a. the closing of the frontier
b. the desire for gold in Alaska
C. industrialization
D. Support for a strong navy
Imperialism means the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. A country needs B,C,D to extend he tule or authority.

Read carefully.

To determine which option is the exception in this case, we need to look at each factor and understand how it contributed to American imperialism after 1890.

a. The closing of the frontier: This factor refers to the widespread belief that the American West was officially settled, and there were no more opportunities for expansion within the continental United States. The closing of the frontier is not a direct factor that contributed to American imperialism since it pertains to domestic expansion, not international.

b. The desire for gold in Alaska: This factor is related to the economic motive for imperialism. During the late 19th century, there was a significant gold rush in Alaska, and this created a desire for American control and dominance over the region. The desire for gold in Alaska is a contributing factor to American imperialism.

c. Industrialization: Industrialization refers to the process of transforming an economy from primarily agrarian to one based on industry and manufacturing. Industrialization played a crucial role in American imperialism since it enhanced the country's economic and military capabilities, allowing for greater control and influence over foreign territories.

d. Support for a strong navy: A strong navy is vital for any nation seeking to exert its influence abroad. Having a powerful navy enables a country to project its military power and protect its interests overseas, which is a key element of imperialism.

So, among the given options, the exception would be option a. (the closing of the frontier) since it is not directly related to American imperialism after 1890.