1. The early social legislation of the first part of the 1900's was designed to improve the

a. lives of farmers
b. social rank of immigrants
c. conditions of wage earners
d. wealth of business owners.
it's not D because Woodrow Wilson tried to limet the powers of buisness owners. I think it is C because there were "Federal Farm Act", "Adamson Act", and "Federal Workmen's Compensation Act" which all contributed to help the working class people.

I think you're right. Good thinking.


You are correct, the correct answer is C. The early social legislation of the first part of the 1900s was designed to improve the conditions of wage earners.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and D based on the information provided. The question states that Woodrow Wilson tried to limit the powers of business owners, indicating that the social legislation was not designed to improve their wealth (option D). There is no mention of social legislation specifically targeting or improving the social rank of immigrants (option B). While farmers are mentioned, there is no evidence to suggest that the social legislation of that time period was primarily focused on improving their lives (option A).

Additionally, your reasoning that the "Federal Farm Act," "Adamson Act," and "Federal Workmen's Compensation Act" all contributed to helping the working class people is accurate. These are examples of the social legislation that was implemented during that time period to address the working conditions and well-being of wage earners. Therefore, the correct answer is C.