1. They also sell big,soft pretzels.

2. They also sell big soft pretzels.
3. They also sell soft,big pretzels.
4. they also sell soft big pretzels.

(Would you check the word order and commas? Which ones are grammatical?)

1 and 3 are correct, as long as you put a space after those commas.

They NEED the commas (so 2 and 4 are incorrect). This construction is called coordinate adjectives. See #5 here: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm

Let's go through each sentence and evaluate the word order and comma usage:

1. They also sell big, soft pretzels.
2. They also sell big soft pretzels.
3. They also sell soft, big pretzels.
4. They also sell soft big pretzels.

The first sentence, "They also sell big, soft pretzels," is grammatically correct. It follows a standard word order with the adjectives "big" and "soft" before the noun "pretzels." The comma after "big" suggests a pause in speech and separates the two adjectives.

The second sentence, "They also sell big soft pretzels," is also grammatically correct. Here, the adjectives "big" and "soft" are listed without a comma between them. This is an acceptable choice and does not change the meaning of the sentence.

The third sentence, "They also sell soft, big pretzels," is grammatically correct but may alter the intended meaning compared to the previous sentences. The comma after "soft" indicates a pause between the two adjectives, which emphasizes the softness of the pretzels. However, swapping the order of "big" and "soft" may imply a different size emphasis.

The fourth sentence, "They also sell soft big pretzels," is also grammatically correct. However, without a comma or any other punctuation, this sentence may lead to some ambiguity. It could be interpreted as "soft big" describing the pretzels together or as separate qualities, depending on context.

In conclusion, all four sentences can be considered grammatically correct, but the placement of the comma and the word order may slightly alter the meaning or emphasis.