Circle the adjectives that can be used with the nouns on the right .

1)upward 2)growing 3)recent (Problem)
1)steady 2)severe 3)reliable. (Supply)
1)available 2)increasing 3)public. (Concern)
1)immediate 2)effective 3)sufficient. (Solution)
1)affordable 2)rising 3)rapid. (Prices)
1)natural 2)impossible 3)non-renewable (Resources )
1)better 2)important 3)distinct (Advantages)

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To determine which adjectives can be used with the given nouns, you need to match the adjectives that describe the qualities of the nouns. Here's how you can do it:

1) Problem: Circle the adjectives that can describe a problem: recent
- Circle "recent" as it can describe a problem.

2) Supply: Circle the adjectives that can describe a supply: steady, reliable
- Circle "steady" and "reliable" as they can describe a supply.

3) Concern: Circle the adjectives that can describe a concern: available, increasing, public
- Circle "available", "increasing", and "public" as they can describe a concern.

4) Solution: Circle the adjectives that can describe a solution: immediate, effective, sufficient
- Circle "immediate", "effective", and "sufficient" as they can describe a solution.

5) Prices: Circle the adjectives that can describe prices: affordable, rising, rapid
- Circle "affordable", "rising", and "rapid" as they can describe prices.

6) Resources: Circle the adjectives that can describe resources: natural, non-renewable
- Circle "natural" and "non-renewable" as they can describe resources.

7) Advantages: Circle the adjectives that can describe advantages: better, important, distinct
- Circle "better", "important", and "distinct" as they can describe advantages.