How many ordered pairs of positive integers 1≤k≤n≤50 are there, such that k divides n, and (n/k )!= n!/k! ?

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is it ? are you know my Brilliant Accout?

hahaha freaking stupid threat

To find the number of ordered pairs of positive integers that satisfy the given conditions, we need to break down the problem into smaller steps. Let's proceed step by step:

Step 1: Understand the conditions
- We need to find ordered pairs of positive integers (k, n) such that k divides n, meaning n is divisible by k without any remainder.
- Additionally, we need to check if (n/k)! is equal to n!/k!.

Step 2: Simplify the conditions
- Since k divides n, we can express n as a multiple of k: n = a * k, where a is a positive integer.
- Using this expression, let's rephrase the condition (n/k)! = n!/k!:
- (n/k)! = ((a * k) / k)! = a!,
- n!/k! = (a * k)! / k! = a! * (a * k) * (a * k - 1) * ... * (a * k - k + 1).
- Now we have: a! = a! * (a * k) * (a * k - 1) * ... * (a * k - k + 1).

Step 3: Analyze the equation
- To solve the last equation, we have two possibilities:
- Case 1: a = 1, which leads to k = 1.
- Case 2: a > 1, in which we can cancel out the common factors from both sides. This leads to k = 1, which is not a possible case according to the problem conditions.

Step 4: Analyze k = 1
- In the case where k = 1, the value of n does not matter, as any positive integer n will be divisible by 1 without any remainder.
- Therefore, for every positive integer n within the given range of 1≤k≤n≤50, we have a valid ordered pair (k, n), where k = 1.

Step 5: Count the number of ordered pairs
- Since k = 1 for all valid solutions, the number of ordered pairs is equal to the number of positive integers n within the given range of 1≤n≤50.
- Counting the integers from 1 to 50, we find that there are 50 such integers.
- Hence, there are a total of 50 ordered pairs of positive integers (k, n) that satisfy the given conditions.

Therefore, the answer is 50.