Which of the following is true of the screenwriter’s role in making movies? (Points : 1)

A film begins with a writer’s story
Film is generally considered a writer’s medium
The writer is more important than the rest of the cast and crew
Writing scripts is an exact science

A film begins with a writer’s story

To determine which of the following statements is true of the screenwriter's role in making movies, we can analyze each option:

A. "A film begins with a writer's story": This statement is generally true. The screenwriter typically creates the initial story or idea that serves as the foundation for the film.

B. "Film is generally considered a writer's medium": This statement is also true. In the filmmaking industry, the screenplay (written by the screenwriter) is often viewed as the primary creative blueprint for the film. Many decisions related to directing, acting, and editing are influenced by the original screenplay.

C. "The writer is more important than the rest of the cast and crew": This statement is not universally true. While the screenwriter's role is vital in shaping the story and dialogue, filmmaking is a collaborative effort that involves various professionals, such as actors, directors, cinematographers, editors, and more. Each individual contributes to the overall success of the film.

D. "Writing scripts is an exact science": This statement is not entirely accurate. While there are certain rules and guidelines for writing screenplays, such as formatting and structure, the creative process involves a degree of artistic license and interpretation. It is not only about following precise formulas.

Based on the above analysis, options A and B are true statements regarding the screenwriter's role in making movies.