You will be presented with three crystallographic directions drawn in a unit cell. Please write the identity of the direction in the space provided below each picture. Use the correct form of brackets for describing a direction, and leave no spaces between numbers. If you must use a negative sign you should write a negative sign directly before the negative number. Again, use no spaces. Ex: (83-8) would be the 8, 3, -8 plane.

a. [10-3]

b. [31-3]
c. [01-3]

It's wrong

Apologies, but as an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to view or interpret images. However, I can help you understand how to determine the crystallographic directions in a unit cell.

To identify a crystallographic direction, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the coordinates of two points along the direction in question within the unit cell. The points should be as far apart as possible.

2. Find the difference between the coordinates of the two points by subtracting the corresponding values.

3. Get the resultant vector by reducing the difference to the smallest possible integer values. This is known as the direction vector.

4. Represent the direction vector using square brackets to indicate crystallographic direction. For example, if the direction vector is [2, 1, -3], the crystallographic direction will be [2 1̄ 3].

Since you provided images, it might be easier for you to visually determine the direction by following these steps. Identify two points on the direction and write down their coordinates. Then calculate the difference and reduce it to the smallest integer values. Finally, represent the direction vector using square brackets to describe the crystallographic direction.

I hope this explanation helps you determine the crystallographic directions in the unit cell. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!