Given that a and b are real numbers such that the follwoing quadratic equation x^2+(a+6i)x+b+12i=0 has a repeated root, what is the value of a−b?

Follow the same strategy as the previous problem, we make use of given information and deduce values by expansion.

and given that f(x) has a repeated root,
we deduce that the discriminant is zero, i.e.
which expands to
a²-4b-36 + (12a-48)i = 0
Equating the real and complex parts to zero yields two equations:
12a-48=0 (since i≠0)
Substitute into the equation of the real part:
a²-4b-36 = 0
4²-4b-36 = 0
-4b-20 = 0
So a=4, b=-5
check: substitute a=4, b=-5 into