What music plan is a better deal?

site A: $29 per month plus .80 cents per download

site B: $17 per month plus $1.19 per download

write an equation and show how many downloads make site A a better deal.

My answer::

.80x + 29 > 1.19x + 17

after all my other work i got x>30.7

30 or more downloads would make site A a better deal

is my answer correct and did i put this sign: > correctly in my equation, please check, thanks

Since we are talking about costs, a better deal is a lower cost, so the inequality should read:

.80x + 29 < 1.19x + 17
The answer is almost perfect...
30.769 rounds to 30.8, although in this case, it does not count because we are talking about integers.

Your answer is correct, and you have used the sign ">" correctly in your equation. You correctly wrote the equation as:

0.80x + 29 > 1.19x + 17

To solve this equation and determine the number of downloads that make site A a better deal, you need to isolate the variable "x" on one side of the inequality. Here's the step-by-step solution:

1. Start by subtracting 1.19x from both sides of the equation:
0.80x + 29 - 1.19x > 17

2. Combine like terms:
-0.39x + 29 > 17

3. Next, subtract 29 from both sides of the equation:
-0.39x > 17 - 29
-0.39x > -12

4. Divide both sides of the inequality by -0.39 (remember that dividing or multiplying an inequality by a negative number flips the inequality sign):
x < (-12) / (-0.39)
x < 30.7692 (rounded to four decimal places)

So, according to your work, you have x > 30.7, which is incorrect. The correct solution is x < 30.7692.

Therefore, your answer stating that 30 or more downloads would make Site A a better deal is not accurate. The correct statement is that fewer than 30 downloads make Site A a better deal.