23. If the fourth chord of a note is a seventh above the root, the chord is:

a. a 7th chord
b. a triad
c. non-tertian
d. a 4th chord
Not sure

33. The inversion of triads can be written with roman numerals and
a. letters
b. small numbers
c. percentage signs
d. tiny stars

23. To determine the correct answer, you need to have a basic understanding of music theory and chord construction. In this case, the question states that the fourth chord of a note is a seventh above the root. This means that you start with a root note and count up to the fourth chord, and from there, count up to the seventh note.

If the interval between the root and the fourth chord is a seventh, then the chord in question is a seventh chord. Therefore, the correct answer is option a. a 7th chord.

33. Roman numerals are commonly used to represent the inversion of triads in music theory. In this case, you need to remember that "inversion" refers to rearranging the order of the notes within a triad.

To answer this question, you need to understand that roman numerals are used in music theory to represent the scale degrees or degrees of a chord. Inverting a chord means changing the order of the notes, and this can be indicated using roman numerals.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a. letters. Roman numerals are used to represent the inversion of triads in music theory.