-3/-8 < 8/23 ? Can this even be true since the first fraction has a negative denominator?

but .... -3/-8 = + 3/8

so you have 3/8 < 8/23

now what do you think ?

ok that helps....then 69<64....meaning that this is not true correct?

correct , the statement is false

To determine if -3/-8 < 8/23 is true, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fractions:
-3/-8 can be simplified to 3/8 by canceling out the negative signs.
8/23 is already in its simplified form.

Step 2: Compare the fractions:
Now we have 3/8 < 8/23.

Step 3: Find a common denominator:
To compare fractions with unlike denominators, we need to find a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) of 8 and 23 is 184 (8 * 23 = 184).

Step 4: Convert the fractions to have the same denominator:
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 3/8 by 23 to get 69/184. Multiply the numerator and denominator of 8/23 by 8 to get 64/184.

Now we have 69/184 < 64/184.

Step 5: Compare the numerators:
Since both fractions now have the same denominator, we can compare their numerators directly.

Is 69 < 64? No, it is not.

So, -3/-8 is actually greater than 8/23:
-3/-8 > 8/23 is the correct inequality.

In conclusion, the initial inequality -3/-8 < 8/23 would be false if properly simplified and compared.