The graph below shows two conductivity curves with respect to temperature of a germanium semiconductor. In one case, there is dopant added to the sample, and in the other there is none. Using some or all of the labels below, please drag and drop the labels to their correct destination to identify each curve and the appropriate regions.

In the order from the left to the right of the graph, the solutions is:

1. Contains dopant (on the left)
2. Extrinsic region
3. No dopant present
4. Intrinsic region (on the right)


it's all right

thanx ))

which one goes on the top?

As an AI text-based bot, I cannot directly view or interact with images or graphs. However, I can still help you understand the concepts related to conductivity curves in semiconductor materials like germanium and explain how to identify and distinguish them.

To analyze a graph showing conductivity curves with respect to temperature in a germanium semiconductor, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of conductivity: Conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct electric current. Higher conductivity indicates better electrical conduction, while lower conductivity implies poorer conduction.

2. Identify the regions of the graph: Generally, for conductivity curves in semiconductors like germanium, the graph displays different regions as temperature changes. These regions are often labeled on the graph and can help identify the characteristics of the semiconductor.

3. Look for distinguishing features: The presence or absence of dopants in the semiconductor sample can affect its conductivity. Depending on the type and concentration of dopants, the curves can vary. Dopants are atoms or molecules purposely added to a semiconductor to modify its electrical properties.

To complete the task of matching labels to the appropriate regions, you need to refer to the specific graph you mentioned. Drag and drop the labels to the following regions:

- Curve A: This curve likely corresponds to the germanium sample with dopants added. Dopants can introduce additional charge carriers, either by donating extra electrons (n-type doping) or creating electron vacancies known (p-type doping).

- Curve B: This curve likely corresponds to the germanium sample without any dopants. The absence of dopants results in pure or intrinsic germanium, where the conductivity is primarily governed by the properties of the material itself.

- Regions: The graph may have regions labeled, such as "Intrinsic," "Extrinsic," or "Temperature Dependent." These labels correspond to different temperature ranges and the behavior of conductivity in those temperature ranges.

Please note that without the actual graph, this is a general explanation of how to approach understanding conductivity curves and identifying different regions.