Kevin and Zach are playing a number guessing game. Kevin says, "I am thinking of a number. If you double it and then subtract one, the result is 7."

a) Write an equation that Zach could solve to find Kevin's number.
b) Explain the steps Zach could use to solve the equation.


b)it is easy now

Let the number be called x

a) 2x -1 = 7

b) Try solving for x yourself. It isn't hard. It takes two steps


a) To write an equation that Zach could solve to find Kevin's number, we can represent the unknown number as "x". According to Kevin's statement, when Zach doubles Kevin's number and subtracts one from the result, the outcome is 7. Therefore, the equation can be written as:

2x - 1 = 7

b) To solve the equation, Zach can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add 1 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term:
2x - 1 + 1 = 7 + 1
2x = 8

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:
(2x)/2 = 8/2
x = 4

Therefore, Zach can find Kevin's number by solving the equation, which in this case is 4.