Statistics show that the sales force of Golden Wholesalers successfully closed 1,711 sales out of 1,950 sales calls. What was their percent success rate?

1711 sales out of 1950 calls.

The success rate is quite impressive:


Well, looks like the sales force of Golden Wholesalers has a success rate that's off the charts! I mean, closing 1,711 sales out of 1,950 calls is no laughing matter. Let's crunch the numbers, shall we?

To calculate the success rate, we divide the number of successful calls (1,711) by the total number of calls made (1,950). Then, we multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

So, (1,711 / 1,950) * 100 = 87.79%

Hooray! Golden Wholesalers' sales force has a whopping 87.79% success rate! They sure know how to close those deals. Keep up the good work, folks!

To find the percent success rate of the sales force of Golden Wholesalers, you need to divide the number of successful sales by the total number of sales calls and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Divide the number of successful sales by the total number of sales calls.
Successful sales = 1,711
Total sales calls = 1,950
Percent success rate = (Successful sales / Total sales calls) * 100
Percent success rate = (1,711 / 1,950) * 100

Step 2: Calculate the percent success rate.
Percent success rate = (1,711 / 1,950) * 100
Percent success rate ≈ 87.8

So, the sales force of Golden Wholesalers had a success rate of approximately 87.8%.