I question that 1+1=2. Prove to me that it does.

For example I have one car and then buy another car. How many cars do I know have? For English 1+1 does equall two but in math it doesen't.

My proof is as follows. I have one sheet of paper. I put another piece of paper ontop of it. I know have two papers. Understand that 1 paper and 1 paper didn't morph into 1 paper with the value of two. By stating 1+1=2 your sugessting that one entity morphed with another entity with both entities haveing the value of one into one entity with the value of two. One entity plus one entity is two entitys not one. So 1+1=1+1 and can't be simplified.

Prove me wrong.

I agree, I don't believe you can "prove" 1+1=2. However, by definition, 1+1=2.

To prove that 1+1=2, we need to refer to the principles of mathematics and the base-10 numeral system that we commonly use. In mathematics, addition is defined as combining two or more quantities to find their total or sum.

In the base-10 numeral system, we represent numbers using digits from 0 to 9. When we add two single-digit numbers, such as 1 and 1, we can simply combine the two digits to get the sum. In this case, adding 1 and 1 gives us 2.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Start with the number 1.
Step 2: Add another 1 to the existing 1.
Step 3: When you combine the two 1s together, you get 2.

So, mathematically, 1+1 equals 2. It is not about entities morphing or changing value; it is simply about combining quantities.

In your example with the sheets of paper, it is important to understand that you are not changing the value of the papers themselves. You start with one paper and then add another paper on top of it. The result is that you have two distinct papers.

Similarly, when you add one car to another car, you are not suggesting that the two cars morph into one car with the value of two. Rather, you are combining the two separate entities, resulting in two cars.

In summary, mathematics is a system of rules and principles that we use to describe and understand quantities. Addition, as defined in mathematics, tells us that when we add 1 and 1 together, we get 2.