Please help. How can I word this better?

Rhea did not even question why they can not just all go together up to his room.

For one thing, there's a problem with the sequencing of the verb tenses. The main verb is past tense ("did...question") but the subordinate verb is present tense ("can...go"). If you fix that issue, it'll be better.

past tensefor am is are

To word the sentence better, we can make a few changes to improve clarity and grammar:

Rhea didn't question why they couldn't all go together up to his room.

To make this sentence clearer and more concise, we can do the following:

1. Use contractions: "did not" can be contracted to "didn't" for a smoother flow.
2. Remove unnecessary words: "even" doesn't add much meaning to the sentence and can be omitted.
3. Use "couldn't" instead of "can not" for clearer past tense.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a more detailed explanation on why Rhea didn't ask about going together to his room, you could rephrase the sentence like this:

Rhea didn't inquire about the reasons behind them not being able to go together up to his room.

This provides a more specific and detailed description of Rhea's actions.