Is the comma right in this sentence?

If not, what other punctuation can I use?

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” tells the story of a teenager named Connie who is stalked by an older man, Arnold Friend.

Yes. You're right.

thank you.

You're welcome.

Yes, the comma is used correctly in the sentence "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?".

The comma in this sentence is used to separate the two independent clauses: "Where Are You Going" and "Where Have You Been?". This type of comma is called a comma of direct address.

If you are looking for other types of punctuation to use, you can consider using an em dash (—) instead of a comma. An em dash can be used to add emphasis or to indicate a break in thought. In this case, it would look like:

"Where Are You Going—Where Have You Been?"