What is 76,321 x 3,748


76,321 x 3,748 =

To find the product of 76,321 and 3,748, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the multiplicand (76,321) and the multiplier (3,748) vertically with one number below the other.

x 3,748

Step 2: Start by multiplying the multiplicand (76,321) by the rightmost digit of the multiplier (8).

x 3,748
305,284 <-- partial product

Step 3: Shift the multiplier one place to the left and multiply again by the next digit (4) of the multiplier.

x 3,748
+ 305,284 <-- partial product
+ 305,284 <-- partial product shifted
1,221,136 <-- new partial product

Step 4: Repeat this process for the remaining digits in the multiplier (3 and 7). Shift the multiplier one place to the left each time and add the partial products.

x 3,748
+ 305,284 <-- partial product
+ 305,284 <-- partial product shifted
+ 1,221,136 <-- partial product
+ 762,485 <-- partial product shifted
285,117,208 <-- final product

Therefore, 76,321 multiplied by 3,748 equals 285,117,208.