2.Which of the following is equal to )?


3.Julia went to Game Mart and purchased 5 used video games that were all the same price, and 6 memory cards that were $6 each. Her total purchase was $51. What was the cost of each video game?

6.Prime factorization of 550?

7.Value of this expression

#2: question incomplete, cannot check.

#3: correct
You can check: $3*5+$6*6=15+36=$51
#6: correct
Check by multiplication 2*5*5*11=550
#7: correct

Number 2 I meant which of the following is equal to 0

#2 is correct.

To find the answer to question 2, you need to simplify each option and see if any of them equal ).

A. 6x2x(0x4) can be simplified as 12x0 which equals 0. This is not equal to ).

B. 0/9 + (6-0) can be simplified as 0 + 6 which equals 6. This is not equal to ).

C. 20/20 - 0x3 can be simplified as 1 - 0 which equals 1. This is not equal to ).

D. 5 + 6 + (4 + 0) can be simplified as 5 + 6 + 4 which equals 15. This is not equal to ).

Therefore, the correct answer is A.

To find the answer to question 3, you need to set up an equation and solve for the cost of each video game. Let's assume the cost of each video game is x.

The total cost of the video games is 5x, and the total cost of the memory cards is 6 * 6 = 36.

We can set up the equation:
5x + 36 = 51

To solve for x, we need to isolate the variable:
5x = 51 - 36
5x = 15
x = 15 / 5
x = 3

Therefore, the cost of each video game is $3.

To find the prime factorization of 550 (question 6), you need to factorize it into prime numbers.

Start by dividing 550 by the smallest prime number, which is 2:
550 / 2 = 275

Now, divide 275 by 2 again:
275 / 2 = 137.5

Since 137.5 is not a whole number, move on to the next prime number, which is 3:
275 / 3 = 91.67

Now, divide 91.67 by 3 again:
91.67 / 3 = 30.56

Since 30.56 is not a whole number, move on to the next prime number, which is 5:
91.67 / 5 = 18.33

Now, divide 18.33 by 5 again:
18.33 / 5 = 3.67

Again, 3.67 is not a whole number, so move on to the next prime number, which is 7:
18.33 / 7 = 2.62

2.62 is not a whole number, so move on to the next prime number, which is 11:
18.33 / 11 = 1.67

Finally, 1.67 is not a whole number, so we have reached the end of the prime factorization.

Therefore, the prime factorization of 550 is 2 * 5 * 5 * 11, which can also be written as 2 * 5^2 * 11.

To find the value of the expression in question 7, follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) which states to simplify the Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right):

12 - 6 * 2 / 4 + 1

First, perform the multiplication and division:
12 - 12 / 4 + 1

Next, perform the division:
12 - 3 + 1

Now, perform the subtraction and addition:
9 + 1

Finally, perform the addition:

Therefore, the value of the expression is 10.