is this correct Ms.Sue?


It can't be right.

Substitute 10 for x in your problem. 10 + 10 does NOT = 1

x + 10 = 1
Subtract 10 from both sides of the equation.




1 + 1 = 2 (not 1)

okay can you please write out the equation so I can solve it because I'm not sure how its supposed to look.


Not 10 - 9

x + 10 = 1

Subtract 10 from both sides of the equation.

x = 1 - 10

x = -9


You're welcome.

Let's check if your solution is correct. We will substitute the value of x back into the original equation to see if it holds true.

Original equation: x + 10 = 1

Substituting x = 10:
10 + 10 = 1

This equation does not hold true, as 20 is not equal to 1. Therefore, the solution x = 10 is incorrect.

To solve the equation correctly, we will need to isolate x on one side of the equation. Here's the correct process:

x + 10 = 1

1. Start by subtracting 10 from both sides to isolate x:
x + 10 - 10 = 1 - 10
x = -9

Therefore, the correct solution is x = -9.