a survey of the local country western radio station produced the following data: 12 songs about a truck driver who is in love while in prison. 13 about a prisoner in love. 28 about a person in love. 18 about a truck driver in love

What is your question?

How many were surveyed? 31

Find number of songs about truck drivers?18

Prisoner? 13

truck drivers in prison? 12

People who are not in prison? 8

People not in love 28

To analyze the data from the survey of the local country western radio station, we can break it down into different categories: songs about a truck driver who is in love while in prison, songs about a prisoner in love, songs about a person in love, and songs about a truck driver in love. The given data is as follows:

- 12 songs about a truck driver who is in love while in prison
- 13 songs about a prisoner in love
- 28 songs about a person in love
- 18 songs about a truck driver in love

To find the total number of songs, we can sum up the data from each category:

12 + 13 + 28 + 18 = 71

Therefore, the local country western radio station has a total of 71 songs based on this survey.

Now, let's calculate the percentage of songs in each category relative to the total number of songs:

- Percentage of songs about a truck driver who is in love while in prison: (12/71) * 100 = 16.9%
- Percentage of songs about a prisoner in love: (13/71) * 100 = 18.3%
- Percentage of songs about a person in love: (28/71) * 100 = 39.4%
- Percentage of songs about a truck driver in love: (18/71) * 100 = 25.4%

These percentages represent the distribution of each category of songs in the survey data.