Agatha maintains that people are capable of freely making voluntary choices. Constance is mainly

focused on how aggression is caused by genetic inheritance. It seems reasonable to assume that Constance
is not much interested in environmental factors impacting behavior while Agatha rejects

environmental factors impacting behavior.

To understand and evaluate Agatha's assertion and Constance's viewpoint, it is important to consider both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) in shaping human behavior.

To address the question of whether people are capable of freely making voluntary choices, Agatha's position suggests that individual choices are independent of external influences, emphasizing personal agency and free will. Agatha likely believes that people have the capacity to make decisions based on their own internal motivations, values, and beliefs, irrespective of environmental factors.

On the other hand, Constance's focus on genetic inheritance implies that she believes aggression, or any other behavior, is predominantly determined by genetic factors. This viewpoint suggests that individuals might be predisposed to certain behaviors due to their genetic composition. Constance may not place as much emphasis on the impact of environmental factors, such as upbringing, socialization, or cultural influences, in shaping behavior.

To further explore this topic and understand both perspectives, you may find it helpful to consider the following:

1. Research studies: Look for scientific studies and research on the influence of genetics and the environment on human behavior. Assessing different perspectives within the field can help develop a well-rounded understanding.
2. Critical analysis: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of both arguments. Consider how genetic factors and the environment interact to shape behavior, rather than limiting the discussion to an either/or scenario.
3. Philosophical perspectives: Dive deeper into philosophical debates surrounding free will, determinism, and the nature of human agency. Exploring different philosophical theories can provide additional insights into the concept of voluntary choice and behavior.

By considering various sources, viewpoints, and evaluating the available evidence, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in this debate.

the idea that genetics play a significant role in determining human behavior.