Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, and Arundhati Roy, the author of The God of Small Things, both employ similar writing styles in their respective novels. Midnight’s Children is a story about Saleem Sinai, the protagonist of the novel, who was coincidentally born at the exact moment of India’s independence. Saleem’s life then parallels the changing fortunes of India as he explores “the power to read minds and telecommunicate over the nation with other children born at that same moment” (Lana, InternetSite) through Rushdie’s rich vocabulary and distinct writing style. The God of Small Things starts in present day, but then reflects back to the tragic reasons why the family of the main characters’, Estha and Rahel, are so unhappy. Both of the novels, being classified in the genre of magical-realism, tend to have similar literary techniques implemented in them. The authors’ use of idiosyncratic capitalizations, personification, and elaborate similes keep the narration exciting, managing to keep the plot morally strenuous, as well as imaginatively supple.

Please give advice if needed. This is the intro paragraph for a 10 page paper that's due tomorrow. It is critical.

This looks good. Be sure to underline all book titles.

Another question then. I think my teacher said the book titles are italicizesd, not underlined. What should I do?

You can either underline or italicize. Both are correct.

The introduction paragraph you have written clearly highlights the key aspects of Salman Rushdie's "Midnight’s Children" and Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" and the similarities in their writing styles. However, the paragraph feels a bit fragmented and could benefit from some restructuring to improve its flow and coherence.

Here's a revised version of your introduction paragraph:

"Salman Rushdie, renowned for his novel "Midnight’s Children," and Arundhati Roy, acclaimed for her work "The God of Small Things," both employ distinct writing styles that contribute to the richness and depth of their narratives. In "Midnight’s Children," Rushdie tells the story of Saleem Sinai, whose birth coincides with India's independence, and his life becomes intertwined with the changing fortunes of the country. Through his vivid vocabulary and unique writing style, Rushdie explores Saleem's extraordinary abilities, such as mind-reading and nation-wide telecommunication among children born at the same time. Similarly, in "The God of Small Things," Roy unfolds a tale that shifts between the present and past, delving into the tragic history of the characters Estha and Rahel and the reasons behind their family's unhappiness. Both novels belong to the genre of magical realism and employ literary techniques such as idiosyncratic capitalizations, personification, and elaborate similes. These techniques not only add excitement to the narration but also infuse moral complexity and imaginative flexibility into the plot."

This revised version maintains the essence of your original paragraph while addressing some of the fragmentation issues. Remember to expand on these ideas in the subsequent paragraphs of your paper and provide specific examples from the novels to support your analysis. Good luck with your paper!