What do Quechua people do for a living?


Thanks but I already found out. But i appreciate you response.

The Quechua people, also known as the Quechuan people, are indigenous to the Andean region of South America, including Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and parts of Argentina and Chile. They have a rich history and cultural heritage that dates back to the Inca civilization.

The Quechua people traditionally engaged in a variety of economic activities based on their environment and resources. These activities have evolved over time, but some common occupations among the Quechua people include:

1. Agriculture: Historically, the Quechua people have been skilled farmers, cultivating crops such as potatoes, corn, quinoa, and various root vegetables. Today, many Quechua people still rely on agriculture for their livelihood, practicing subsistence farming or selling their produce in local markets.

2. Livestock herding: Quechua communities have a long tradition of raising livestock, including llamas, alpacas, sheep, and cattle. The herding of these animals provides meat, wool, and other essential resources.

3. Textile production: The Quechua people have a rich tradition of textile production. They are renowned for their weaving skills, using techniques passed down through generations. Weaving not only preserves their cultural heritage but also serves as an important source of income, with many Quechua women selling their handmade textiles in local and tourist markets.

4. Handicrafts: In addition to textiles, Quechua artisans produce various handicrafts such as pottery, woodwork, jewelry, and leather goods. These products often showcase traditional designs and techniques, and they contribute to the economic well-being of Quechua communities through local sales and tourism.

5. Tourism: With the growth of tourism in the Andean region, many Quechua people have found employment in the tourism industry. They work as tour guides, offer homestays or cultural experiences, and sell local products to visitors.

It is important to note that the economic activities of the Quechua people can vary depending on their geographic location, available resources, and level of integration with modern society. Today, many Quechua individuals engage in a combination of traditional livelihoods and other occupations, adapting to changing economic realities and opportunities.