the line " I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of

A. a metaphor
B. a simile
c. a couplet
d. alliteration

Similes use LIKE or AS to compare two unlike things.

how many feet are in each line of i wandered lonely as a cloud?

The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of:

A. a metaphor

To determine the answer, we need to understand the different literary devices and identify which one is being used in the given line.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares two unrelated or dissimilar things by stating that one thing is another. It does not use "like" or "as" to make the comparison. Instead, it creates an implicit or hidden comparison by describing one thing in terms of another.

In the given line, the poet compares himself to a cloud by stating "I wandered lonely as a cloud." Here, the poet is not saying that he is like a cloud; instead, he is saying that he wandered in a similar manner to a cloud. Therefore, this line is an example of a metaphor (Option A).

To arrive at this conclusion, you can analyze the sentence structure, pay attention to any direct comparisons being made, and look for the absence of "like" or "as" that would suggest a simile.