A sphere of radius 32√ is tangent to the edges AB, AD, AA1, and the face diagonal CD1 of the cube ABCDA1B1C1D1.

The volume of the cube can be written as a+bc√, where a, b are integers and c is a square-free positive integer. What is the value of a+b+c?



wrong>...........and this is a brilliant problem,try to do it by yourself


326 is correct?

wrong 326


plesse tell me write answer


To find the volume of the cube, we need to determine its side length.

Since the sphere is tangent to the edges AB, AD, AA1, and the face diagonal CD1 of the cube, we can create a right triangle formed by the radius of the sphere, the side length of the cube, and the edge diagonal of the cube.

Let's label the side length of the cube as "s".

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can write the following equation:

s^2 = (32√)^2 + (s√2)^2

Simplifying, we get:

s^2 = 1024 + 2s^2

Subtracting s^2 from both sides:

0 = 1024 + s^2

Rearranging, we have:

s^2 = -1024

This equation implies that the side length of the cube is an imaginary number, given the square root of a negative number. Therefore, this problem has no valid solution in the real number system.

In conclusion, we cannot determine the value of a+b+c because there is no real volume for the cube in this scenario.