Given the set of integers {1,2,3,…,801}, what is the maximum number of sets we could distribute these numbers into such that the sum of each set is exactly the same?

To determine the maximum number of sets in which we can distribute the integers in the set {1, 2, 3, ..., 801} such that the sum of each set is exactly the same, we need to find the divisors of the total sum of the integers in the set.

Step 1: Calculate the sum of the integers in the set.
We can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series Sn = n/2(a + l), where n is the number of terms, a is the first term, and l is the last term.
In this case, the first term (a) is 1, the last term (l) is 801, and the number of terms (n) is 801.
So the sum of the integers in the set is Sn = 801/2(1 + 801) = 321,801.

Step 2: Find the divisors of the sum.
Divisors are numbers that divide evenly into a given number with no remainder.
To find the divisors of 321,801, we can loop through all numbers from 1 to the square root of the sum (approximately) and check if each number is a divisor.
If a number is a divisor, we can pair it with the quotient obtained by dividing the sum by the divisor.
For example, if the divisor is 3, we pair it with the quotient 107,267 since 321,801 / 3 = 107,267.
We continue this process until we reach the square root of the sum.

Step 3: Count the number of divisors.
Each divisor found in the previous step represents a possible sum for the sets. The number of divisors corresponds to the maximum number of sets we can distribute the numbers into, such that each set's sum is exactly the same.
Count the number of divisors obtained in Step 2 to determine the maximum number of sets.

Alternatively, you can use a programming language or online calculator that has a function to calculate divisors and find the count directly.

Note: The process described above assumes that each integer in the set can only belong to one set. If an integer can be included in multiple sets, the maximum number of sets would be different.