1)No tengo tiempo para arreglar mi cuarto. Voy a poner la ropa _____ de la cama.

Nadie puede verla.
A. encima
B. debajo
C. delante
D.al lado
I said B

2) He probado el cafè sòlo _______; no me gusto.
A. una vez
B. siempre
C. nunca
D. casi nunca
I said A

3) ¿Con què _____ el guacamole?
Con aguacate, tomate y cebolla
A. prueba
B. cocinè
C. se hacen
D. se hace
I said C

4) Susana, ¿ _________ la sal?
A. le pasa
B. me pasa
C. me pasas
D. quiero pasarte
I said D

5) Cuando vamos a un restaurant, mis padres siempre pagan ___________.
A. el menù
B. por el mantel
C. la camarera
D. la cuenta
I said D

6) ¿Què bebieron Uds.?
Yo _______ jugo de naranja, y mi madre ______ tè helado.
A. bebieron / bebiò
B. bebiò / bebimos
C. bebì / bebisteis
D. bebì / bebiò
I said B

7) Sè poco de estos platos españoles en el menu . Voy a pedir ________.
A. la especialidad de la casa
B. el plato principal
C. a la carta
D. por la carne de res
I said A

8) Ese camarero siempre me sirve _______.
A. una vez
B. en seguida
C. muchas veces
D. algunas veces
I said B

9) ¿Para què es este __________?
Para la mantequilla.
A. mantel
B. postre
C. cuchillo
D. chile
I said C

10) ¿ ________ se hacen las quesadillas?
Con tortillas y queso
A. Què
B. Con què
C. Por què
D. Dònde
I said A

11) ¿Van a pedir Uds. Los burritos?
Sì, los _____ ahora.
A. pedìs
B. pido
C. pedimos
D. pide
I said B

12) ¿Què nos sirves?
_______ algo bueno.
A. Nos sirve
B. Le sirven
C. Les servimos
D. Les sirvo
I said B

13) ¿Me trae una servilleta?
Sì, le ________ una en seguida.
A. traigo
B. traes
C. traemos
D. traèis
I said D

14) Les sirven los frijoles refritos _________.
A. a mì
B. a èl
C. a ellos
D. a nosotros
I said C

15) ¿Què _________ a Uds.?
A. le falta
B. les falta
C. le faltan
D. nos falta
I said C

16) ¿ Van a salir en seguida?
No, ya ________.
A. salieron
B. salì
C. salgo
D. salen
I said C

17) ¿ Què _______ tu amigo de merienda ayer?
A. come
B. como
C. comiò
D. comiste
I said C

18) En unos resturantes italianos, creo que casi todos _____ tienen salsa de tomate
A. las hamburguesas
B. los pasteles
C. los platos no picantes
D. los platos principales
I said D

19) “Enfrente de” quiere decir ________.
A. delante de
B. detràs de
C. a la izquierda de
D. cerca de
I said C

20) Me gustan los programas de hechos de la vida real porque son muy _______.
A. cariñosos
B. realistas
C. aburridos
D. perezosos
I said B

Please use the same name for your posts.

I'll send this to Sra.


18-could be D

This accent Què is a French accent and you need Qué = going this way.

2. café & sólo (accents)
3. qué
6. beb´ˆ...bebió
7. Sé, men´¨
9. qué
10. "with what
11. Sí = plural question requires a plural answer. If you have difficulty answering questions, and many students do, I suggest you do 4 things: 1. look at the question and translate it into English, 2. answer the question FIRST in English 3. now put it into Spanish and 4. Look at the answer and see if the question that elicited that answer is the question you see.
12. qué =are you serving us? I am serving you all.
13. Sí = "Are you bringing?" I am bringing.
15. qué "a Uds" requires les
17. qué, comiuó
19. "in front" and the synonym is A

I gave you the correct accent marks. Now JQuiroz has the answers which are correct EXCEPT for #13 A not B and 16 A not D. (plural question requires a plural answer and "ya" means "already" so it requires the past tense.

I'll flag this one as well so if you have any questions, I'll see them tomorrow.


OOps. I rarely take time to proofread but #6 should be bebí, #7 menú and 17. comió (typos! Sorry.)


1) The correct answer is A. encima. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. The speaker doesn't have time to clean their room, so they are going to put the clothes on top of the bed where nobody can see them. In this context, "encima" means "on top" or "above."

2) The correct answer is C. nunca. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. The speaker tried drinking coffee alone, and didn't like it. "Nunca" translates to "never" in English.

3) The correct answer is D. se hace. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the sentence structure and meaning. The sentence is asking what is used to make guacamole, and the correct answer is "se hace," which means "it is made" in English.

4) The correct answer is A. le pasa. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who is being referred to in the sentence. "Le" is a third-person pronoun used to refer to someone else, so the correct answer is "le pasa," which means "does it pass to her."

5) The correct answer is D. la cuenta. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what is being paid for. In this context, the speaker's parents always pay "la cuenta," which means "the bill" in English.

6) The correct answer is B. bebió / bebimos. To determine the correct answer, we need to conjugate the verb "beber" in the past tense for the subject "yo" and "mi madre." The correct conjugation is "bebió" for "yo" and "bebimos" for "mi madre."

7) The correct answer is A. la especialidad de la casa. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context. The person is not familiar with Spanish dishes on the menu, so they would ask for "la especialidad de la casa" which means "the house specialty."

8) The correct answer is B. enseguida. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the person means when they say the waiter always serves them something. "Enseguida" translates to "right away" in English.

9) The correct answer is C. cuchillo. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the item is used for. In this case, the item is used for butter and the correct answer is "cuchillo," which means "knife" in English.

10) The correct answer is B. Con qué. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the person is asking. The person is asking how quesadillas are made, so the correct answer is "Con qué," which means "with what" in English.

11) The correct answer is C. pedimos. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who is speaking and the subject of the sentence. The speaker is asking if they are going to order burritos, so the correct answer is "pedimos," which means "we order" in English.

12) The correct answer is B. Le sirven. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who is being served and which pronoun to use. In this case, the person is asking what the server is going to serve them, so the correct answer is "Le sirven," which means "they serve you" in English.

13) The correct answer is D. traéis. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who is being addressed and the conjugation of the verb "traer." In this case, the person is addressing multiple people and the correct conjugation is "traéis," which means "you bring" in English.

14) The correct answer is C. a ellos. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who the beans are being served to. In this case, the beans are being served to "ellos," which means "them" in English.

15) The correct answer is B. les falta. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who is lacking something. In this case, the person is asking what the others are missing, so the correct answer is "les falta," which means "they are missing" in English.

16) The correct answer is B. salí. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the tense and subject of the sentence. The speaker is saying that they already left, so the correct answer is "salí," which means "I left" in English.

17) The correct answer is C. comió. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand who the sentence is referring to and the past tense conjugation of the verb "comer." In this case, the friend ate a snack yesterday, so the correct answer is "comió," which means "he ate" in English.

18) The correct answer is D. los platos principales. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context and the dishes being referred to. In this case, the sentence is talking about Italian restaurants, and the correct answer is "los platos principales," which means "main dishes" in English.

19) The correct answer is A. delante de. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the phrase "enfrente de" and compare it to the given options. "Enfrente de" means "in front of" in English, so the correct answer is "delante de."

20) The correct answer is B. realistas. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the speaker's opinion about reality shows. The speaker likes reality shows because they are realistic, so the correct answer is "realistas," which means "realistic" in English.