Hi! I'm unsure about these questions. I answered them, but I'm not 100 % sure about my anwers.

1) ¿Què hora es?
Son las once _______.
A. por el dìa
B. de la tarde
C. de la noche
D. en media hora
I said D

2) ¿Puedes sacar libros de la biblioteca?
Sì , puedo ________ porque tengo tarjeta de biblioteca.
A. las sacar
B. a sacarlos
C. sacarlos
D. sacar
I said C

3) Van a dar las noticias a las doce en el canal dos. Vamos _______________.
A. a verlas
B. ver
C. a ver
D. las ver
I said A

4) Me siento muy ________. En ese programa, el hjio ùnico està muy enfermo y los padres no tienen el dinero para llevarlo al mèdico.
A. còmido
B. triste
C. corto
D. impaciente
I said B

5) A Luisa y a Mario ______ las pelìculas de ciencia ficciòn.
A. les fascinaron
B. me fascinan
C. te fascinaron
D. nos fascina
I said A

6) Tenemos sueño. ___________ aburre ese programa de detectives.
A. Les
B. Me
C. Nos
D. Le
I said C

7) ¿Va a ser largo o corto el concierto?
________ va a ser bastante corto, sòlo una hora y media.
A. Pienso que
B. Pienso creer
C. En punto
D. Demasiado
I said B

8) Menos mal que esta pelìcula aburrida es muy _________.
A. larga
B. grande
C. mucho tiempo
D. corta
I said D

9) No me siento muy bien hoy. _______ debo quedarme en la cama
A. Todavìa no
B. A las ocho
C. Punctualmente
D. Por eso
I said D

10) Mario tiene veinte años. Su mejor amigo tiene veintiùn años. Mario es ______ que su amigo.
A. mejor
B. menos
C. menor
D. mayor
I'm not sure about this one

11) Yo tengo _____ coche de todos. Necesito comprar un nuevo.
A. el peor
B. peor
C. los peores
D. viejo
I said D

12) Para hacerla _______, pongo unos chiles en la salsa.
A. sabroso
B. picante
C. no picante
D. divertida
I said B

13) ¿Has probado los churros? A mì me gustan mucho.
Sì, los _________. A mì me encantan.
A. pruebo
B. probò
C. he probado
D. has probado
I said C

14) Mi madre hace ______ con tortillas, carne de res , queso y tomates
A. el guacamole
B. las quesadillas
C. los tacos
D. el flan sabroso
I said B

15) Mamà, para mis clases necesito làpices, marcadores , dos cuadernos y una calculadora.
A. Gracias
B. De nada
C. ¿A la carta?
D. ¿Algo màs?
I think it could be A or D

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

The accent going this way ` is a French accent. You need the accent going this way Qué...

1. D may be a possibility but a better answer is C de la noche
2. Sí (proper accent)...
2, 3, 4 = all correct except in #4 for único, médico and A is probably cómodo
5. , 6 = correct
7. sólo///You chose "I think to believe it's going = run-on sentence! The correct answer is A Pienso que (I think/believe THAT it's going. This is clause relater "que."
8., 9, correct
10. veintiún...the choices are better, less, younger, older. the choice is C.
11. A "the worst"
12. correct
13. a mí & Sí (accent)...otherwise correct
14. Probably B, although tacos are made usually with corn tortillas!
15. Mamá, lápices...When you tell your Mom what you need for class, she probably will NOT say A "Thanks" but D = "Anything else?"

I'll flag this and come back tomorrow to see if you have any questions.


1) The question is asking for the time. To answer it, you need to understand how to tell time in Spanish. The correct answer is C - "de la noche" which means "in the evening". This indicates that it is 11 o'clock at night.

2) The question is asking if you can borrow books from the library, and the answer is yes. To complete the sentence, you need to choose the correct way to say "I can borrow them" in Spanish. The correct answer is C - "sacarlos" which means "to borrow them".

3) The sentence is talking about watching the news on TV. To complete the sentence, you need to choose the correct way to say "let's watch them" in Spanish. The correct answer is A - "a verlas" which means "let's watch them".

4) The sentence is talking about feeling a certain way. To describe feeling sad, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is B - "triste" which means "sad".

5) The sentence is talking about how Luisa and Mario feel about science fiction movies. To describe their feelings, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is A - "les fascinaron" which means "they fascinated them".

6) The sentence is talking about feeling bored with a detective show. To complete the sentence, you need to choose the correct pronoun in Spanish. The correct answer is C - "nos" which means "we".

7) The question is asking about the length of a concert. To express that it will be fairly short, you need to choose the correct way to say "I think/believe" in Spanish. The correct answer is A - "Pienso que" which means "I think that".

8) The sentence is talking about the length of a boring movie. To describe the movie as short, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is D - "corta" which means "short".

9) The sentence is talking about not feeling well and needing to stay in bed. To express the reason for staying in bed, you need to choose the correct phrase in Spanish. The correct answer is D - "Por eso" which means "That's why".

10) The sentence is comparing the age of Mario and his friend. To express that Mario is older than his friend, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is D - "mayor" which means "older".

11) The sentence is talking about a car. To express that it is the oldest car, you need to choose the correct phrase in Spanish. The correct answer is A - "el peor" which means "the worst".

12) The sentence is talking about making something taste spicy. To describe it as spicy, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is B - "picante" which means "spicy".

13) The sentence is talking about trying churros. To express that you have tried them, you need to choose the correct phrase in Spanish. The correct answer is C - "he probado" which means "I have tried".

14) The sentence is talking about a dish made by your mother. To describe it as quesadillas, you need to choose the correct word in Spanish. The correct answer is B - "las quesadillas".

15) The sentence is replying to a request for school supplies. To indicate that you don't need anything else, you need to choose the correct phrase in Spanish. The correct answer is D - "¿Algo más?" which means "Anything else?".