according to carl jung what are the two main ways people process information

Thinking – Feeling, represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.

In math,these often lead to very different results.

Jung stated that everyone uses either extroverted or introverted processes for information.

According to Carl Jung's theory of psychological types, there are two main ways by which individuals process information: through extraversion (E) and introversion (I).

1. Extraversion (E): Extraverts tend to focus on the external world and direct their energy outwardly. They are energized by social interactions and engage with the world by communicating, taking action, and seeking stimulation from their environment. They tend to process information through talking, brainstorming, and externalizing their thoughts. Extraverts are typically expressive and enjoy sharing their ideas with others.

2. Introversion (I): Introverts, on the other hand, tend to focus on the internal world and direct their energy inwardly. They are energized by solitude and introspection. Introverts prefer to process information internally by reflecting, analyzing, and self-reflecting. They require time alone to think and prefer a more contemplative approach to information processing. Introverts are generally more reserved and may choose to share their insights selectively.

It's important to note that Jung's theory does not necessarily imply that someone is purely an extravert or an introvert. Instead, individuals are believed to possess both extraverted and introverted traits to varying degrees, with one tendency typically being more dominant. Understanding these different ways of processing information can provide insight into an individual's personality and preferences.