I just need someone to check my mistakes. This is a short essay using futur simple.

Pendant ces vacances, je pourrai voyager avec ma famille à Dubai. Nous ferons à Burj Khalifa et à Dubai mall pour verrons les plus étonnantes vues et des boutiques. Je verrai mes amis et mes cousins. Ma famille et moi y resteront pendant deux semaines et j'espère que nous allons avoir du plaisir.

Not nous ferons i meant nous irons

Bravo, c'est une production écrite créée avec soin!

A few little things:
- "à Dubai mall" : do you mean a shopping centre? (centre commercial) unless it is a proper name, in which case you would write
"Dubai Mall".

- "pour verrons"
a verb following pour is (almost) always in infinitif.
You could also say afin de voir meaning "in order to see".

- "...y resteront..."
in futur simple do not confuse the endings -ons (first person plural) and -ont (third person plural).
If in doubt, think of the conjugaison of avoir.

Work well done!

Here's the corrected version of your essay using futur simple:

Pendant ces vacances, je pourrai voyager avec ma famille à Dubaï. Nous irons au Burj Khalifa et au Dubai Mall pour voir les vues les plus étonnantes et faire du shopping. Je verrai mes amis et mes cousins. Ma famille et moi y resterons pendant deux semaines et j'espère que nous aurons du plaisir.

To check for mistakes in your writing, you can follow these steps:

1. Read your essay aloud: Reading your essay out loud can help you catch any errors or awkward sentences that may not be immediately apparent when reading silently.

2. Use grammar and spell check tools: Utilize the grammar and spell check features in your word processing software to identify any obvious mistakes. However, note that these tools are not foolproof and may not catch every error.

3. Take a break: Step away from your essay for a while, then come back to it with fresh eyes. This break can help you spot mistakes that you may have overlooked initially.

4. Get a second opinion: Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to review your essay for any errors or improvements that can be made. Another person's perspective can often help identify mistakes that you may have missed.

Remember, proofreading and editing are essential steps in the writing process to ensure that your work is error-free and effectively communicates your ideas.