given that R= 2p(squared) divided by Q-3

1)Calculate the value of R when P=6 and Q=12.
2)rearrange the formula to make Q the subject.

surely you can do the first part

for the second, flip both sides (take the reciprocal)

1/R = (Q-3)/(2p^2) , multiply both sides by 2p^2

2p^2/R = Q-3 , add 3 to both sides

Q = (2p^2/R) + 3

To calculate the value of R when P=6 and Q=12, we can substitute the values of P and Q into the given formula:

R = (2P^2)/(Q-3)

Substituting P=6 and Q=12:

R = (2(6)^2)/(12-3)
= (2(36))/(9)
= (72)/(9)
= 8

Therefore, when P=6 and Q=12, the value of R is 8.

Now, let's rearrange the formula to make Q the subject:

R = (2P^2)/(Q-3)

Multiply both sides of the equation by (Q-3):

R(Q-3) = 2P^2

Expand the brackets:

RQ - 3R = 2P^2

Isolate the Q term by moving the other terms to the other side of the equation:

RQ = 2P^2 + 3R

Divide both sides of the equation by R:

Q = (2P^2 + 3R)/R

Therefore, the rearranged formula to make Q the subject is Q = (2P^2 + 3R)/R.