Find the unit price (cost for 1 ounce), to determine which is the best buy on pasta sauce? (1 qt = 32 oz).

a) 1 qt for $1.29
b) 45 oz for $1.59
c) 48 oz for $1.79

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To find the unit price (cost for 1 ounce) for each option and determine the best buy on pasta sauce, we need to divide the total cost by the total number of ounces.

Let's calculate the unit price for each option:

Option a) 1 qt for $1.29 (1 quart = 32 ounces):

Unit price = Total cost / Total number of ounces
Unit price = $1.29 / 32
Unit price = $0.04 per ounce

Option b) 45 oz for $1.59:

Unit price = Total cost / Total number of ounces
Unit price = $1.59 / 45
Unit price ≈ $0.035 per ounce (rounded to 3 decimal places)

Option c) 48 oz for $1.79:

Unit price = Total cost / Total number of ounces
Unit price = $1.79 / 48
Unit price ≈ $0.037 per ounce (rounded to 3 decimal places)

Comparing the unit prices, we can see that option b) has the lowest unit price at approximately $0.035 per ounce. Therefore, option b) is the best buy on pasta sauce.