The voltage produced by an ac generator is V=120sin(120(3.14)t))

if the resistance of 20 ohms is present what is the current I? (V=IR)

well, you have the numbers and the formula:

120 sin(120πt) = 20I

To find the current (I) when a resistance of 20 ohms is present, we can use Ohm's Law, which states that the current (I) is equal to the voltage (V) divided by the resistance (R).

So, the equation for Ohm's Law is:

I = V / R

Given that the voltage produced by the AC generator is V = 120sin(120(3.14)t), and the resistance is R = 20 ohms, we can substitute these values into the equation to find the current.

I = (120sin(120(3.14)t)) / 20

Now, we have an expression for the current (I) in terms of time (t). However, since the current is a function of time, we need to have a specific time value to calculate the current. Without a specific time value, we can't find the exact value of the current.

If you provide a specific time value (t), we can substitute it into the equation to find the current (I) at that particular time.