Can you give me an example of a fraction that is a close substitute for almost any number?

9999/10000 of x is appr. x ???

This question makes little sense!

okkkkk.... didn't get that...

Yes, one example of a fraction that can be a close substitute for almost any number is 22/7. This fraction is commonly used as an approximation for the mathematical constant π (pi).π is an irrational number, meaning it cannot be expressed as a finite decimal or fraction. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 and has an infinite number of decimal places. However, when dealing with practical calculations, using 22/7 as an approximation for π is often sufficient and convenient.

To determine why 22/7 is an approximation for π, we need to understand that π represents the ratio of a circle's circumference (the distance around a circle) to its diameter (the width across the circle passing through the center point). π is a constant value, meaning it is the same for all circles, regardless of their size.

In the case of 22/7, it represents an approximation of π by using the fraction 22 as an estimate for the circumference of a circle and 7 as an estimate for its diameter. Dividing these values (22/7) gives an approximation for π.

Keep in mind that while 22/7 provides a good approximation for π, it is not entirely accurate. The actual value of π goes beyond the decimal places of 22/7. For more precise calculations, mathematicians and scientists often use more accurate approximations or the actual value of π, typically represented as 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169...

So, 22/7 is a fraction that can serve as a close substitute for almost any number, especially when dealing with calculations involving the mathematical constant π.