we cannot have a peaceful and just society so long as any one group is required to be (responsive, submissive) to another. submissive


Submissive - inclined or ready to submit ; unresistingly or humbly obedient

Makes more sense than 'responsive' in the sentence above.

Using submissive, gives the sentence better structure and its adequate word choice.

The concept of "submissive" in the context of societal dynamics refers to a group or individual being required to obey or comply with the wishes or demands of another group or individual. This notion can pose challenges to achieving a peaceful and just society where all people are treated equally and have their rights and freedoms respected.

To understand why a society cannot be peaceful and just when one group is required to be submissive to another, it is important to examine the principles of equality, fairness, and empowerment.

Firstly, peace and justice are built on the foundation of equality. All individuals should have equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources, regardless of their background, identity, or status. Imposing submission on a particular group perpetuates an unequal power dynamic, leading to a lack of equality within society and undermining the principles of fairness and justice.

Secondly, a peaceful society is based on the idea of resolving conflicts and differences through dialogue, negotiation, and mutual respect. When one group is expected to be submissive, it implies that their opinions, needs, and desires are automatically disregarded or undervalued. This erodes the fabric of social harmony and hinders the development of constructive partnerships and collaborations essential for a peaceful coexistence.

Furthermore, forcing submission can lead to resentment, frustration, and feelings of oppression among the subjugated group. It creates a breeding ground for social unrest, conflict, and even violence as the suppressed individuals or communities strive to assert their rights and regain autonomy.

In order to build a peaceful and just society, it is crucial to promote and uphold the principles of equality, respect, and empowerment for all members of society. This involves challenging and dismantling systems, structures, and beliefs that perpetuate unequal power dynamics and require one group to be submissive to another. It requires embracing inclusive policies, promoting dialogue and understanding, and fostering a sense of belonging and participation for every individual within the society.