Please help me. I need to write an informative speech. My husband has been sick for along time and needs a lung transplant (He is 52 and never smoked!) Any way I want to right a speech on how any one can over come a life crisis. It's just hard to think of something when your going through your own! Any idea's? I'm trying to keep my central Idea as how to stay positive and the things you need to do for yourself when a loved one gets sick. I am like stuck and can't see past my nose. Thank you for any suggestions are welcome

You mean you want to write a speech ...

I don't know how anyone else can help you without giving you a bunch of platitudes that may or may not mean anything to you in particular.

Read through many of these and see if any ideas strike you:

Question 5 of 20

5.0 Points
In choosing a topic for your first speech, it is wise to:

I understand that going through a difficult time can make it challenging to find inspiration and clarity for writing an informative speech. However, it's commendable that you want to share your experience and offer guidance on how to stay positive and take care of oneself when facing a loved one's illness. Here are some steps to help you generate ideas for your speech:

1. Research and Gather Information: Start by researching different aspects related to your central idea. Look for stories of individuals who have overcome life crises, resources available for caregivers, and strategies for maintaining a positive mindset during challenging times. This research will provide you with the necessary content and knowledge to support your speech.

2. Personal Reflection: Reflect on your own experience and the lessons you've learned throughout your husband's illness. Think about the moments that tested your strength and resilience, as well as the strategies you used to overcome difficulties. These personal insights will bring authenticity and depth to your speech.

3. Organize Your Speech: Once you have gathered information and reflected on your experience, organize your speech into a logical structure. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction, clearly state your central idea, and then divide your content into key points or steps. Provide examples, anecdotes, and statistics where appropriate to engage your audience.

4. Incorporate Supporting Evidence: To back up your claims and offer credibility to your speech, include relevant research, quotes from experts, or personal stories from others who have gone through similar experiences. This supporting evidence will make your speech more persuasive and impactful.

5. Use Visual Aid: Consider incorporating visuals, such as images, charts, or graphs, to enhance your speech. Visual aids can help reinforce your message, break down complex information, and make your presentation more visually interesting.

6. Practice and Rehearse: Give yourself enough time to practice your speech. Rehearsing will not only help you deliver your message more confidently but also allow you to refine your content and work on your timing. Consider recording or sharing your speech with a trusted friend or family member for feedback.

Remember, the purpose of the speech is to provide valuable information and offer guidance to others who may be facing similar challenges. Your personal perspective and insights will be valuable to your audience, so embrace your own experience in sharing the steps to stay positive and care for oneself during a loved one's illness. Good luck with your speech!