"The magic might die by the first of September, but now in late June there was still plenty of magic, and shoes like these could jump over trees and rivers and houses. And if you wanted, they could jump over fences and sidewalks and dogs."

1. What effect does the hyperbole in this excerpt have on the reader?

A. It helps people understand the attachment the boy feels to the shoes.

B. It helps the reader realize that everyone has a little magic in them.

C. It provides the reader with information about why summer is better than spring.

How can you be so sure, might I ask?

You're right. I can't answer for all readers. But for this reader, it emphasizes that everyone has a little magic in them. I suspect that most readers would feel the same.

In addition, the passage doesn't mention a boy, nor spring -- thus indicating that A and C are wrong.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. I have to agree with you on this one. Thanks again. :)

You're very welcome. :-)

I finished the quick check and the answer is A for anyone wondering.

To determine the effect of hyperbole in the given excerpt, let's first understand what hyperbole is. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggeration to emphasize a point or create a vivid image. In this case, the hyperbole is used to describe the magical qualities of the shoes.

A. The hyperbole does not specifically help people understand the attachment the boy feels to the shoes. While it does illustrate the shoes' magical abilities, it does not necessarily relate to emotional attachment.

B. The hyperbole does not necessarily imply that everyone has a little magic in them. It primarily focuses on the shoes' magical qualities rather than making a broader statement about human nature.

C. The hyperbole does not provide information about why summer is better than spring. It simply focuses on the magical abilities of the shoes, rather than comparing seasons.

Considering the options, the closest answer is:

B. It helps the reader realize that everyone has a little magic in them.

The hyperbolic language emphasizes the extraordinary qualities of the shoes, allowing readers to imagine and relate to the sense of wonder and possibility. It suggests that magic and extraordinary abilities are within reach and accessible to anyone.